Bantu Biltong
Delicious from day 1

"Bantu" is a term that is used to describe the inhabitants of Eastern Africa stretching across central Africa right down to Southern Africa. In the Zulu/Ndebele language it literally means "People". In a time before refrigeration and aeroplanes, salting and drying meat was (and still is) an effective way of preserving meat for leaner months, and also voyages across the continent by African and European traders alike. Times have changed, and this snack has evolved from being an essential means of preserving protein to just being all around awesome. Everyone may have their own version... but Southern Africans do it best!
Growing up in southern Africa was a wonderful time for me. We spent most of our time outdoors, playing games in each other’s back yards, climbing up very tall trees, running around barefoot and occasionally getting chased by burly looking dogs as we pedalled for dear life!
Learning how to braai properly was as much a rite of passage as riding a bicycle or learning how to drive, (Braai is Afrikaans for Barbecue). In fact it is so sacrosanct that family recipes come with oaths, and under no circumstances are they to be written down. Ever!
I have had a love affair with food since I was 9 and more so as over the years as it is around food that the most memories have been made with friends and family. As I have travelled and made new friends, I often missed the tastes of home. Poetjiekos, Braais and Biltong can make the African sun shine wherever you are in the world!! Unfortunately, often I was met with disappointment with some of the imitation stuff out there.
One day my wife got tired of hearing me complain, so she told me "make it yourself if you can do better"
---So, I Did
We believe you are what you put into your body. The secret to our super products is not really a secret at all. Here at Bantu Biltong we aspire to use the best products sourced from local butchers and farms to produce the finest biltong you have ever had. That's all.
Oh, and we love to play, that's why you can taste the love in every last morsel